Can Hypnosis Help You Lose Weight?

Sometimes we hit a weight-loss barrier and hypnosis can be an option to help maintain weight loss...

Sometimes a plateau is reached with weight loss, which leads to frustration and self doubt, and then causing a downward spiral back to square one. Further adjusting your calorie intake and changing your exercise program is the usual steps to getting over the plateau. But can hypnosis also be an option for weight loss

Many turn to hypnotherapy to get over an addiction such as smoking, coping with a painful. Hypnosis is defined as a mental state or imaginative role-enactment usually induced by hypnotic induction. The use of the hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred as hypnotherapy.

Studies have shown that hypnosis may be useful as an adjunct therapy for weight loss. A meta-analysis using both hypnosis combined with cognitive-behavioural therapy found that people using both treatments lost more weight than only using cognitive behavioural therapy.

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